You were charged a £110 "sale stage" fee
Only applies when the bailiff attends to remove goods.
High Court Writs
Regulation 6(1)(d) of the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 states;
(d)the sale or disposal stage, which comprises all activities relating to enforcement from the first attendance at the property for the purpose of transporting goods to the place of sale, or from commencing preparation
for sale if the sale is to be held on the premises, until the completion of the sale or disposal (including application of the proceeds and provision of the information required by regulation14).
Other than a High Court Writ
Regulation 5(1)(c) of the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 states;
(c)the sale or disposal stage, which comprises all activities relating to enforcement from the first attendance at the property for the purpose of transporting goods to the place of sale, or from commencing preparation for sale if the sale is to be held on the premises, until the completion of the sale or disposal (including application of the proceeds and provision of the information required by regulation 14).
Goods can ONLY be removed if they are the goods of the debtor, AND they have been taken into control according to Paragraph 13(1) of Schedule 12 of the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, which states;
13(1)To take control of goods an enforcement agent must do one of the following—
(a)secure the goods on the premises on which he finds them;(b)if he finds them on a highway, secure them on a highway, where he finds them or within a reasonable distance;
(c)remove them and secure them elsewhere;
(d)enter into a controlled goods agreement with the debtor.
If you have been charged a £110 sale stage fee, then you can apply for a detailed assessment hearing, and the costs are recovered from the bailiff company in error. Contact me to start work.