The bailiff attended with a TV film crew.
You can stop the broadcast.
If a bailiff turns up with a TV film crew, then he will most probably turn up by surprise and without giving a statutory notice
The policy is to ambush you, which creates artistic license for the TV production.
The law says you can apply to court to stop the film taken of you and your property being broadcast. You must give the film company reasaonable opportuniuty to confirm it hasl complied.
Article 6(1) of the GDPR says anyone processing your data must have your consent provided there are no exceptions.
Under Article 21, you have the right to object to your data bring processed and stop the broadcast.
Article 17, gives you a right for the film and audio - your data to be erased.
If the producer or the broadcaster fails to comply, then under Article 82 you to apply to the court to order the producer or the broadcaster to destroy and not to process the film or audio and claim damages and compensation for any distress caused.
The law provides certain exemptions, including public interest, journalism and law enforcement, but making a TV show for public entertainment does not meet any of these exemptions.
Exercise your right to stop the broadcast and erase the footage (your data).
Search Companies House for the production company and the TV channel and get the names and addresses of a director.
Give them a notice under section 167 of the Act Data Protection Act 2018 ("the Act") stating you withdraw consent to be referenced directly or indirectly in any public broadcast, and the data be erased forthwith because the processing of the data not compliant with any of the sub-provisions listed under Section 8 of the Act and meets none of the exemptions provided under section 15 of the Act.
If the production company or the broadcaster fails to comply with your notice within a reasonable time, under section 168 of the Act, you apply to the court to an order for the data to be erased, and claim damages, including distress.